Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Hello :)
I am pretty free tonight from doing nothing so i might as well update my blog.

I went to Whitby last Saturday.
and it was great. 
I mean it was more than just great. It was a whole new experience. 

I couldn't believe myself.
Seriously? Whitby?! 

It's a small town near the sea. 
Nothing. Nothing like Kuala Terengganu.
The landscape itself is so magnificent.

I have always dream to go to places like Whitby where everyone is so nice and friendly.
I love love love that people end their sentence with "Love"

"can i help you with that love?"
"morning, Love"
Gosh! why can't Malaysian talk like that?!

I used to think that Cameron Higland is pretty with tea plantation and stuff but Whitby, girl, you took my breath away, and my heart too. 
ate fish and chips TWICE! fat mother fuckers.

Had the best time of my life just taking pictures. Tons and tons of pictures. 
capturing every moment. Everything is so worthwhile. 

Ancient castles, churches, boats, seagull, dogs, people, food, ice cream
the sun the wind ocean waves.

rocks cliffs. I am glad that I went there.
The story Dracula was from there.
Writers inspired to write just by laying down on the green green grass.
smell of the earth.
strong winds and sunny days.

visiting places opens up a lot. This world is too huge for me to just bundle up in my blanket and sob.
I'll walk and see places to feel better next time. :) 

I don't give a shit bitch.
I am just allergic to you! 
Damn! fleas! go away!

-I must go back to Whitby again- 

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