I shouldn't be doing this at work. but fuck it, inspirations only come once.
Who is Madeleine?
People at work know me as Madeleine.
my instagram is registered as @madeleineismad
so who is this Madeleine?
Here goes,
There was once a fat confused girl finished her studies for good.
and come the time where she had to get a job for herself.
so her aunt called and offered her a job as her Personal Assistant.
as confused she was, she blindly accepted the offer without thinking of the outcome.
When reality hits, she had to act and dress like a grown up.
No more side shaves
No more piercing at the lips
Life used to be simple and then, she had to change her name, because the name she had wasn't presentable enough. She never knew that using the fancy names can change people's perception on her.
so she prayed and she prayed.
The wicked witch granted her wishes, she gave her a mask. The Madeleine mask.
She had to put on that mask every single morning no matter how sick she is of wearing it.
and as days went by, she found herself more and more confused.
This Madeleine mask is making her do stuff, bad stuff.
Things that is so horrible that she had to hide in her car and cry.
This Madeleine mask is deceiving, The innocent look of the mask, master of twisting stories, of plotting, and getting herself out of trouble.
Madeleine has no soul. She is just a mask.
People don't know that, people was so impressed by this Madeleine person they don't care who she really is beneath that mask.
The confused girl gets better at wearing the Madeleine mask, she, herself is afraid that one day she might really be Madeleine.
Or is Madeleine is this hidden side of her that she never knew.
confused girl has no idea who she is. what she wants and what is she doing with her life.
Where is that girl that wants to travel the world with her camera and guitar?
long gone the dreams. long gone the adventures.
What is life when everyone is trying to be special but they are actually, eventually, walking towards the same destination, ends up all the same, at the same place?
There's not really "a special one", it's you. that person deep down in you that makes you. You. only you know what's going on in that heart and head of yours.
only you know what's the best for you.
only you can decide to put on the mask or giving up your soul to be what you "should be"
I am not just trying to please others by being what they expect me to be.
So i write. she writes.
Her only escape is music.
music calms her down.
music pulls her back to grown
music makes her feel her soul again
music makes her feel like life wearing the Madeleine mask is temporary.
she can be herself when she is with music.
she can dance and shout
she can curse and use foul languages
she can laugh and jump
she can breath.
-the confused girl just want a fruitful life, she was born a dreamer.-
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