Sunday, 26 April 2015


I feel stranded on an island. 
for my whole life I have been this indecisive person.
for my whole life, i rarely make major decisions. 
for my whole life, i just listen and accept.
for my whole life i have been rebellious for no certain reasons. 

What am i fighting for?
why do i rebel if it is me that chose to listen and follow?
I don't blame anyone.
for i am the one doing the listening and following.
I am my own doom. 

when life stretches you until you can't be stretched there are only 2 choices. 
1. you bounce straight back and hit that mafaker in the face.
2. you break.

I broke down. because i am weak. 
I thought i would be happy living in the city,
driving my own car
having a so called "career" 
and parents would be so proud talking about their eldest because she is working in the city.
and that she can manage her own life.

unfortunately, I am always a small town girl.
always the sweaty awkward fat girl standing in the middle of a cross road.
the city overwhelmed me. 
I can't take the pressure of doing shit that i hate.

every single fucking day, waking up to a job that was per arranged. 
waking up thinking what did i get myself into?
driving to work, into that shit hole. 

I am so not happy with life. I am really unhappy.
i am so unhappy that i cry a lot.
and crying is nonsense. 
and crying for no reason is also nonsense.
crying, having tears streaming down is nonsense.

My father thinks that I am ungrateful.
he himself suffered for 29 years of having a job that he dislike. 
He said, at least it pays the rent and put food on the table.
a job that eats him up for 29 years raised 3 of us.
he said this is life.

but i believe, there's always a choice. 
i can be happy working  and still earn the same amount of money.
I can still pay rents and feed myself.
and i can be happy.

all I've been doing is accepting.
accepting that this is life.
that this is how it is.
sounded just like someone that i used to love.
accepting his imperfections.
but i chose not. 

a relationship is not about accepting imperfections and tolerating.
a relationship, for me at least, is loving each others imperfection.
you've got to love their imperfections. 
because, how much can you accept in a life time?

so here i am, stranded.
I should have stand firm
stay strong 
keep believing in my dreams.
that there will be a place that i belong.  
I am in a state where i don't know what to do anymore.
I just want to quit and withdraw myself for everything.
Just let me go.

I miss the ocean.
24 years of breathing fresh ocean air.
24 years of waking up to the sea.
I miss it all.
I have had my fun in the city, the day trip is over, time for me to go home. 
My sister thinks that this is bull shit and i am stupid for saying all this.
no one understands.

I just need to find a place where i belong. 
come take me away. to a place where dreams exist. 
run away from the cruel reality.

-I have got to stay firm, because this time, i will run.-


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