Saturday, 14 July 2018

You are loved.

One of my friend posted "I just want to be dead, because no one care"
It hurts me.
It hurts me because he is one of my closest friend, at least that is what i felt.
I am not sure if i am in his list of top 10 favorite people but he sure is in mine.

This friend, we fight, argue, used to hate him used to love him.
I cared and still cares about him. a lot.

What hurts the most is he is too stubborn or rather selfish to see how much he is loved by his friends.
I don't entirely understand what he is going through.

but I have been through horrible times too. You saw me. The state that i was in. You witnessed. 
All i used to want is to be loved by someone that love me back. A guy a relationship, my so called happily ever after.
I was so fixated by the idea of finding the one it made me awfully bitter and miserable.
I was horrible, hurt a lot of good people. especially people that really love me and cared.
everything i think feel see is negative, truly devastating.
I was so sad and alone thinking that no one love me and that no one cares and I suck because I wasn't in a relationship, and that I am not good enough.
Happiness was a rare thing and was defined by relationship status. I was existing rather than living life.
I have so much love to give, it was so overwhelming, I used to feel like dying too remember?

but these few months really opened up my entire head space. looking at the world with an entire different perspective, a fresh pair of eyes.
I have family and good friends that supports me, love me no matter what.
I mean it, no matter what.
I was such a bitch, terribly rude, very selfish and they had to put up with my crazy mood swings EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I don't know what you guys see in me and why are you guys still here.
but thank you.
a million times thank you from the deepest end of my heart.

Life is really too short to wallow, sulk or be sad.
I wish you see what you have, try new things get to know new people, go on adventures.
trust me, this world, is really not that bad.
I wish you can see yourself through my eyes, i know i always say this but, what can i do to really make you love you more?

Be brave, take the first step.
Step out from the coffin that you've built. 
I would hold you hands if you want to. We can always walk together.
I want you happy.
happiness is really better than being addicted to pain.
appreciate the little things remember?

You are getting there buddy, just hang on a little, good things are coming. takes time, and who knows how long whatever it is, i believe you. not gonna give up on you.
you believed in me and i am forever grateful for that.

I don't care if this post annoys you bother you, i can't be cruel enough to just let you be.
well maybe this little sad little lonely little charming sort of vibes may get you girls but dude. don't die yet. i love you.

I am not trying to tell anyone off, not trying to prove that I am "better" or anything.
All i want is to let you, you and especially you my dear friend know that, no matter what, i truly believe there is one person that really cares about you and love you unconditionally. at least i care. and i am going to repeat it till you are sick of me because i do.
so. don't.
don't die.
coming from a girl that wanted to kill herself because of a boy that dumped her via WhatsApp.

-so please. don't give up. don't die. don't leave me yet.-

1 comment:

Jocelyn Lum said...

Inspire post. You're a good friend:)