Tuesday 11 August 2009

Let GO~

Let go... why??

i've been asking myself..
why some of my friends are no who they used to be last time.. before we grow up..
before we finish spm..

i really do miss the days when we were younger.. the days when we cared for each other..
the days when we dont think so complicated.. when we used to laugh and do silly things together..

hmmm how i wish i can turn back time..
but this past month i realised that most of my friends.. they dont seem to look back anymore..

i asked my mom.. and the answer she gave me "they move on.. and u too should let go and move foward and not back ward"

i think about here answer for a while.. means that i cant really accept for that mean time..
but now.. i finally understand..

I HAVE to let go..
let go for a better future..
to let go.. to put new things in your future..
to meet new people.. new situation to grow..

do i have to let go completely??

i dont think so..
i still can keep that memory in my heart and maybe take it out once in a while..
i wont forget my friends.. i mean i m not like some of the people out there who completely erase their previous memory.. no i wont..

that's why i am not changing the address of my blog.. :)
cuz it's easy to remember hahahahahaha
even there's no more 5taqwa.. and few years from now.. no body will remember 5 taqwa anymore.. but they cant deny the momories we had. :)

YOKE.. Let go.. MOve foward :P

1 comment:

aina said...

yoke..im ere for u. ;)