Friday 19 March 2010

Black and white

Black.. a colour of darkness and evil
White the opposite of it.. it's pure and bright.

When same is the same.
and there's no use of thinking about it anymore.
I might as well walk and move on.

When the words are said.
Action is prove.
Hearts are broken.
Mending is impossible.
I might as well go.

When the true colours are shown.
Realisation struck.
I might as well move on.

When decisions are made.
The clock can't be turn back.
When you think you are white and i am black
WE might as well walk different path.

Hatred and Happiness
i chose to be Happy.
because i live for myself not for you.

When i say i LOVE you.
i really mean it.
and when you say that word it hurt as much as saying I LOVE YOU with fingers crossed.

When the problem can't be fixed
it might as well be ignored.

Is this THE END?
we don't know.

that's all i could say.
when the blog become public. i don't mean you.

When i heard I LOVE YOU from him.
I replied. I care about you too. :)

glad to have him.
glad to know GOD.

-nice to meet you. Good Bye-